9. 参考书目

[1]. Bernstein, Morey The Search for Bridey Murphy, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, N.Y., 1956.

    搜寻布莱蒂·墨菲 (莫雷·伯恩斯坦 著)

[2]. Beswick, Ethel (retold) Jataka Tales--Birth Stories of The Buddha, John Murray, London,1956 (1st edition).

    本生经--佛陀转生的故事 (剑桥大学版的重述删节本,埃塞尔·贝斯维克 重述)

[3]. Bowman, Carol, Chidren’s Past Lives, A Bantam Book, 1997. 

    儿童的前世 (卡罗尔·鲍曼著)

[4]. Browne, Mary, Mary T. Refflects on the Other Side, A Compelling Vision of the Afterlife,Ballantine Books, 1994.

    玛丽考虑那一边 (玛丽·布朗 著)

[5]. Budge, Wallis (translator), The Book of the Dead, Bell Publishing Company, N.Y., 1960.

    埃及度亡经 (沃立斯·巴吉 翻译)

[6]. Cayce, Edgar Edgar Cayce : The Modern Prophet: Four Volumes in One, Gramercy Books, 1990.

    埃德加·凯斯 -- 现代预言家 (四卷合订本,包括原单行本“埃德加·凯斯论转世”)

[7]. Cerminara, Gina Many Mansions, William Morrow & Company, Inc. N.Y., 1968 (1st ed. 1950).

    生命多重 (吉娜·瑟敏纳拉 著)

[8] Cerminara, Gina The World Within, William Morrow & Company, Inc. N.Y., 1969 (1st ed. 1957).

    内在世界 (吉娜·瑟敏纳拉 著)

[9] Cerminara, Gina Many Lives, Many Loves, William Sloane Association, N.Y., 1963.

    多生多世,爱恨重重 (吉娜·瑟敏纳拉 著)

[10].Cowell, E.B. The Jataka or stories of the Buddha’s former births (7 volumes), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1895-1913 edition.

    本生经--佛陀转生的故事 (剑桥大学原版,七卷;E.B. 科韦尔 编著)

[11]. Cranston, Sylvia; Williams, Carey Reincarnation: New Horizon in Science, Religion, and Society, The Julian Press, Inc. N.Y. 1984.

    轮回转世 -- 科学,宗教和社会的新水平 (西尔维娅·克兰斯顿、凯雷·威廉姆斯 合著)

[12]. Evans-Wentz, W.Y., The Tibetan Book of The Dead, Oxford University Press, London, 1957 3rd ed. (1st ed. 1927.)

    西藏度亡经 (本名:中阴闻教得度;牛津大学版,埃文斯·文茨 编著)

[13]. Fiore, Edith, You Have Been Here Before, Ballantine Books, New York, 1979 (9th print, 1981).

    过去你曾在这里 (埃迪丝·法沃尔 著)

[14]. Fiore, Edith, The Unquiet Dead, A Dolphin Book, Doubleday & Company, Inc. New York, 1987.

    不安静的死人 (埃迪丝·法沃尔 着)

[15]. Gershom, Rabbi Yonassan, Beyond the Ashes, Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust, ARE Press, 1992.

    越出尘嚣 (拉比·优纳森·杰肖姆 著)

[16]. Guirdham, Arthur, The Cathars and Reincarnation, Spearman, London, 1970.

    清洁派教徒与轮回转世 (亚瑟·古尔丹 著)

[17]. Head, Joseph and S.L. Cranston (editors) Reincarnation: An East-West Anthology, Aeon Publishing Company, N.Y., 2000 (First edition: The Julian Press, Inc. N.Y. 1961).

    轮回转世 -- 东西方选集 (约瑟夫·赫德、西尔维娅·克兰斯顿 合著)

[18]. Head, Joseph and S.L. Cranston, Reincarnation in World Thought, The Julian Press, Inc. N.Y. 1967.

    轮回转世 -- 世界性的思维 (约瑟夫·赫德、西尔维娅·克兰斯顿 合著)

[19]. Head, Joseph & S.L. Cranston, Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery, The Julian Press, Inc. N.Y. 1977.

    轮回转世 -- 火中凤凰之迷 (约瑟夫·赫德、西尔维娅·克兰斯顿 合著)

[20]. Howe, Quincy, Jr. Reincarnation for the Christian, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1974.

向基督教徒谈轮回 (昆西·豪 著)

[21]. Kelsey, Denys, and Joan Grant, Many Lifetimes, Doubleday & Company, Garden City, N.Y. 1967.

    多生多世 (登尼思·凯尔塞、琼·格兰特 合著)

[22]. Lucas, Winafred Blake, ed., Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals, Vols. 1 and 2, Deep Forest Press, Crest Park, CA 1993.

    回归疗法 -- 专业人员手册 (两卷本,第一卷谈论往世疗法)(布莱克··卢卡斯 著)

[23]. Martin, Eva (ed.) Reincarnation: The Ring of Return, University Books, N.Y., 1964. (First edition: London: Philip Allan & Co. 1927).

    世世回环 (伊娃·马丁 著)

[24]. Montgomery, Ruth, Here and Hereafter, Coward-McCannn Inc., N.Y., 1968.

    从这里返回去 (露丝·蒙哥马利 著)

[25]. Moody, Raymond, Jr. Life After Life, Mockingbird Books, 1975.

    死后重生 (雷蒙·姆迪 著)

[26]. Moss, Peter, and Joe Keeton, Encounters with the Past, Doubleday & Company, Garden City, N.Y. 1981.

    往世遭逢 ( 彼得·莫斯、乔·凯顿 合著)

[27]. Netherton, Morris, and Nancy Shiffrin, Past Lives Therapy, William Morrow & Co., N.Y. 1978.

    往世疗法 (莫里思·内瑟顿、南西·雪弗林 合著)

[28]. Prabhavananda, Swami & Frederich Manchester (trans.), The Upanishads, A Mentor Book, N.Y., 1975.

    奥义书 (印度古代经典,斯瓦米·普拉巴凡南达、弗雷德里奇·曼切斯特 合译)

[29] Prabhupada, Bhaktivedanta Swami (trans.), Bhagavad-Gita as It as, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1986.

    薄伽梵歌 (印度古代经典,巴蒂费丹塔·斯瓦米·普拉布帕达 翻译)

[30]. Rinpoche, Sogyal, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Harper San Francisco, 1992.

    西藏生死书 (索甲·仁波切 著)

[31]. Ryall, Edward W. Born Twice, Haper & Row, N.Y., 1974.

    出生两回 (埃德华·赖沃 著)

[32]. Schlotterbeck, Karl, Living Your Past Lives, Ballantine Books, N.Y., 1987.

    往世体验 (卡尔·史罗特贝克 著)

[33]. Shroder, Tom, Old Souls: The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives, Simon & Schuster Trade, N.Y., 1999.

    古老的灵魂:往生往世的科学证据 (汤姆·什罗德 著)

[34]. Steiner, Rudolf Reincarnation and Karma ━ Two Fundamental Truths of Human Existence, Anthroposophic Press, N.Y. 1992.

    轮回转世与业力 (儒多尔夫·史戴纳 著)

[35]. Stevenson, Ian Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation ━ The University Press of Virginia, 2nd ed. revised and enlarged, 1974. (1st ed. By the American Society for Psychical Research, 1966.)

    二十案例示轮回 (伊安·史蒂文森 著)

[36]. Stevenson, Ian Children Who Remember Previous Lives - The University Press of Virginia, 1987.

    记得前世的儿童 (伊安·史蒂文森 著)

[37]. Stevenson, Ian Cases of the Reincarnation Type,(Vol. 1 - Vol. 4) , The University Press of Virginia.

    轮回型案例 (共4卷:卷1,印度十案,1975 年;卷2,斯里兰卡十案,1977年;卷3,黎巴嫩、土尔其十二案,1980年;卷4,泰国、缅甸十二案,1983年。) (伊安·史蒂文森 著)

[38]. Stevenson, Ian Xenoglossy: A Review and Report of a Case, The University Press of Virginia, 1974.

    讲陌生语言 -- 一个案例的回顾与报道 (伊安·史蒂文森 著)

[39]. Stevenson, Ian Unlearned language: new studies in xenoglossy, The University Press of Virginia, 1984.

    未经学习的语言 -- 讲陌生语言的新研究 (伊安·史蒂文森 著)

[40]. Stevenson, Ian Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT 1997.

    轮回转世与生物学 -- 于此相逢 (伊安·史蒂文森 著)

[41]. Sutphen, Dick, Past Lives, Future Loves, Pocket Books, N.Y. 1978.

    往世生平,来世爱怨 (迪克·萨特芬 著)

[42]. Walker, E.D., Reincarnation: a Study of Forgotten Truth, University Books Inc., 1965. (First edition: Ward, Lock & Co. London, 1888.)

    轮回转世 -- 一个被忘却的真理 (E.D. 沃克 著)

[43]. Wambach, Helen Reliving Past Lives: The Evidence Under Hypnosis, Barnes & Noble Books, N.Y. 1978.

    往世重温 -- 催眠下的证据 (海伦·瓦姆巴赫 著)

[44]. Wambach, Helen Life Before Life, A Bantam Book, N.Y., 1979.

    生前有生 (海伦·瓦姆巴赫 著)

[45]. Weiss, Brian, Many Lives, Many Masters, A FIRESIDE BOOK, Simon & Schuster Inc., 1988.

    生生世世与背后之神 (布赖恩·魏斯 著)

[46]. Whitton, Joel & Joe Fisher, Life Between Life, A DOLPHIN BOOK, Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1986.

    两世之间 (乔尔·魏顿、乔·费希尔 合著)

[47]. Williston, Glenn, and Judith Johnstone, Soul Search, Turnstone Press, Wellingborough, England, 1983.

    搜索灵魂 (格伦·维利斯顿、朱迪丝·约翰斯顿 合著)

[48]. Woolger, Roger, Other Lives, Other Selves, Bantam Books, 1988.

    往生往世,同归自我 (罗杰·伍尔杰 著)

[49]. 饭田史彦,《生きがいの本质》日本PHP 研究所,1999年3月出版

    生命的本质--我们为何而生存 (饭田史彦 著)

